This function returns true or false based on the what type of node the page URL is. I added this function to my template.php file, but you could add it to a module if desired.
function _MYTHEME_MYBLOCK_visibility() {
// look up the system path from the page URL
$path = drupal_lookup_path('source', $_REQUEST['q']);
// check if the page is a node
if (substr($path,0,5)=='node/') {
// load node
$node = node_load(substr($path,5));
// check if node exists
if (!$node) return false;
// check node type
if ($node->type == 'MYNODETYPE') return true;
} else {
return false;
Then I added a PHP snippet in the "Page specific visibility settings" on the block edit screen:
if (function_exists('_MYTHEME_MYBLOCK_visibility')) return _MYTHEME_MYBLOCK_visibility();
return false;
Now, the block only shows on pages of "MYNODETYPE".